Poker Stone Cold Nuts

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Poker stone cold nuts recipePoker Stone Cold Nuts

Poker Stone Cold Nuts Recipes

A stone-cold bluff is a form of bluff that leaves you with little chance of improving if players decide to call your bet or raise, which occurs frequently in poker games.

Of course, this is very different to , because even if called, could lead to big payoffs if the turn and river fall your way.

So keep your bluffing to semi-bluffs at the low-limit tables, and you will do fine. Most novice players bluff with no and chance of winning the pot far too often.

If you’ve got the stone-cold nuts you shouldn’t be afraid of putting serious cash in the middle because there’s a good chance they’ve got something strong as well. New players will likely have a hard time folding their hands, which would be monsters in regular Hold’em, so make sure you maximize your profit.

Poker Stone Cold NutsPoker Stone Cold Nuts

Poker Stone Cold Nuts Recipe

EXAMPLE “When involved in a hand against multiple opponents, I don’t like to make a stone-cold bluff, because I can’t expect to get many folds.”

Related terms on

Nuts means best, 'Stone cold Nuts' 'absolute Nuts' means can't be beaten example Four of a kind aces when the remaining board cards cannot make a straight flush. The nuts is a common poker. In this situation, you would have the 'stone cold nuts', which means the best possible hand. So what are the odds of being dealt a 'straight flush'? Regardless of how many players are participating in a game of Hold'em, there are 36 hands that can make a straight flush (remember, we need to exclude the four hand that make a royal flush). The Stone Cold Nuts What is meant by the term stone cold nuts? In what situation would you have the stone cold nuts?-Slowroll What is a slowroll? What is meant by the term slowroll? Why is slowrolling someone bad?-A-Game What does the term A-Game mean in poker? What is the definition of the term a-game?-Hijack. It is also rumored that these historical games were played only in the winter, and therefore, the nuts that were placed on the table were 'stone cold', hence coining the term 'stone-cold-nuts'. Another explanation is that 'the nuts' originated from the old English usage of 'nuts', meaning 'any source of pleasure'.

Poker Stone Cold Nuts Bolts

Poker stone cold nuts bolts
Hey, sorry for slightly abandoning my blog since I've moved over to Full Tilt Poker. When I first got to FTP, I deposited only $1100, cashing out alot of what was on the other site, and then immediately taking some big hits. I was playing well but making crucial mistakes, and it just kept costing me stacks. I eventually ground that $1100 down to $440 playing horribly at my NL games and bubbling out of tournaments that I shouldn't have been in. Once it got that low, it really rocked me to think about how bad I was managing my bankroll, etc. So I started grinding low limit SnG's and ran up through the tier system 4 times straight on FTP, ending in 4 cashes (1st 1st 2nd 3rd) in $75 sng's. This boosted my roll a lot, getting me about back to even, and of course I went ahead and lost more money. Eventually, I forced myself to just sit down and multi-table $25NL for a while, stepped back up to $50nl and kept grinding away. Somewhere along the way, I have found my stride again and am back to being focused. I think one of the things that helped me be able to multi-table a lot more effectively is switching to dual monitor setups at home and at work. I also use a program named TweakUI that makes any window my mouse is pointing at the active window, effectively reducing my mouse clicks per hour over 65%! This allows me to move my mouse quickly to any table and view it and then move to another table. I recommend it to anyone out there. Msg me and I'll give you more info if you are interested.
For those of you that want to see my results since I last posted, here we go. I deposited $1100 on FTP in the middle of October and now the account has $1,659.08, so that's 559.08 profit. I also freerolled $10 T$ I had on Pokerstars that were leftover from a while back into a $450 cashout (which I bought a new monitor with) and still have $50 on Pstars. So that's another $500 or so profit. There have been various other little bits of money here and there, such as cashing the CR tournament on Cailin's UB account, but I won't count that, just to make my accounting a little easier. I'm going to work on moving the $50 on pstars over to FTP this week, just to have all of my money in one spot and to keep me focused on the task at hand - 6max No Limit Hold'em. See yall again soon.
Profit from last 3 weeks - $1059.08
Total Profit - $2457.59
I got a bit behind on my goal, about $2000 behind to be specific, but I think it's still attainable, and even if not, will keep me pushing for more money all the way through the end of the year.